Winn Reading

At Winn Reading, we aim to give Cincinnati children the support they need to win at reading.

Our Vision

Winn Reading was created in 2021 by Kay Limbach. With her background in education and decades of experience working with children, she envisioned a program in which early elementary-aged children would have one-on-one tutoring in learning to read.

The Coronavirus pandemic created a huge learning gap in children, specifically in elementary school. It has specifically created an unequal opportunity to learn for its most vulnerable students. Data from the Ohio Department of Education shows this fallback, specifically lower test scores in Black, Hispanic, and economically disadvantaged students in the 2020/2021 school year.

Reading is one of the most valuable educational skills we can learn. According to The Foundation for Excellence in Education, “ A person’s reading ability is a critical predictor of educational and lifelong success. Poverty, dropping out of school, and incarceration are all more likely outcomes for a child who does not read well. A student who still needs time to master reading must have every opportunity to strengthen and gain this skill before entering fourth grade - to better ensure a successful future.” Winn Reading helps students gain the skills needed to be successful readers in elementary school. Successful readers lead to staying in school, which helps with future employment. These students who become successful readers can become future leaders in the community.

Our Team

Kay Limbach, M.Ed


Kay Limbach, mother of 2 daughters, always knew she wanted to work with kids. She graduated from Centre College with her Bachelor’s in Elementary Education, then moving on to get her Master’s degree in Elementary Education at Georgetown College. From substituting to teaching preschool to becoming a co-coordinator for Kids Club at Our Daily Bread, she has been working with children for decades from different economic-socio statuses. Through this, she has experienced first-hand the struggles children go through when learning to read.

Since 2018 Kay was tutoring children one-on-one in reading comprehension skills. Once the 2020 pandemic hit, she realized how devastating this impact would be on students who were already falling behind or did not have access to internet or extra help in remote learning.

At the beginning of 2021, after losing her father the following year and being in the hospital for 8 days due to COVID, Kay decided to take the strength she carried from the year and bring Winn Reading to light.