Welcome to Read & Reach

Read & Reach offers a blend of literacy resources, news, and success stories from our nonprofit. Stay informed on how we're making a difference, discover helpful materials, and get inspired by the impact we're having on young readers in our community.

News Kay Limbach News Kay Limbach

Ohio Children's Foundation Grant

Winn Reading received a grant from the Ohio Children's Foundation to create literacy backpacks for Kindergarten families in five underserved CPS schools. These backpacks will provide essential tools to support early literacy at home.

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Resources Kay Limbach Resources Kay Limbach

Fuel Your Child's Summer Reading Adventure

Keep your child engaged in reading all summer long with these fun and practical tips. From joining a library’s summer reading program to attending Winn Reading storytimes, discover how to make reading a part of your child’s summer adventures.

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News Kay Limbach News Kay Limbach

Zonta Club Of Cincinnati Grant

Winn Reading received a grant from the Zonta Club of Cincinnati to provide empowerment books to 2nd and 3rd-grade girls in underserved CPS schools. This initiative will inspire confidence and resilience in young readers.

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News Kay Limbach News Kay Limbach

Scripps Howard Fund Grant

Winn Reading is thrilled to announce we've received funding for our Build Literacy Resources for Future Readers program thanks to the Scripps Howard Fund.

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